Cecilia La Mela
After 15 years being a Scientific researcher, which is an incredible creative career, Cecilia realized that her creative spirit needed a different scenario to express. Stepping out of the amazing world of Physics was not easy, and it was only after a deep exploration and reconnection with her roots, that she rediscovered her childhood passion: drawing. She then decided to give a vertiginous turn in her life to start her steps as an illustrator and she likes to define that moment as her second birth.
Born and raised in Argentina, her main inspiration comes from her cultural roots. There is a Tango of emotion, sensuality and drama in her artwork. Graduated from the Illustration and Design program at Dawson College in Montreal, Cecilia is a versatile and pasionate artist, who loves creating graceful and elegant pieces, full of emotion and detail.
Her greatest motivation is doing what she’s passionate about, and she is never afraid to follow her heart to accomplish that. If she loves it, she has to do it, no matter what it takes.